
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Backlog Bonanza Month

Ok, so it's not quite the start of a new month and this is more because I have decided to go through my backlog of games than anything else, but I figured it could make for some interesting posts as well.

The way this will work is I am currently going through my rather embarrassingly large backlog of console and PC games which for one reason or another I never got around to playing or only played very briefly. I will be trying to play each game through to the end (not necessarily 100% runs) and will make at least one post either during my playthrough or after completion. There are a few differences from the usual 'Game Alerts' though, which are as follows:

1) Many of these games are on the obscure side and, since i am going into them with little or no knowledge, not all of them will be good. As a result, these won't necessarily be 'recommendations' so much as mini-reviews.

2) I won't necessarily discuss every aspect of each game. Instead, I will likely focus on one or two elements and analyze how and why they work or don't work alongside a brief game overview.

3) Most of these games will not be freeware, but I will be sticking to games under $5. So, if anyone sees a game which interests them, it will always be relatively affordable as long as they own the respective console.

4) I currently have no way of capturing footage of console games, so posts concerning such games will not have screenshots to accompany them. I will be looking into alleviating this issue as soon as possible.

With this in mind, I hope this ends up being a fun experiment both for myself and anyone reading this blog and if I am satisfied with the results I may end up turning tis into a recurring feature from time to time.

In honor if this experiment, it's really only appropriate to end with a link to The Backloggery

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